Congratulations to our domestic sales department for winning new orders in the UHV field
On November 2, 2020, our company‘s oil purifier successfully won the bid for the 2020 UHV DC engineering auxiliary equipment bidding and procurement project of State Grid Corporation of China, with a number of 10 units.
This batch of winning equipment will be used in Wuhan ±800kV converter station, ±1100kV Changji converter station, Qinghai-Henan ±800kV UHV DC, ±1100kV Guquan converter station, Nanchang ±800kV converter station, and North Shaanxi converter station , Shanghaimiao±800kV converter station, Hainan converter station, Yazhong converter station, Shanghaimiao-Shandong UHV Linyi converter station and many other iconic UHV DC projects in my country.
Some of our transformer oil purifiers at UHV project site
- 12000L/h ZJA12BY Transformer Oil Purifier at EasternBeijing 1000kV Substation

2. 20m³/h ZJA20BY Transformer Oil Filtration Machine at Wucai Valley 1100kV Substation

3. 12000L/h ZJA12BY Transformer Oil Purifier at Western Shanghai 1000kV Substation