Transformer Oil Purifiers and Their Supporting Equipment in Power Systems

Transformer oil, acting as both an insulator and coolant, plays a vital role in the safe and reliable operation of transformers within power systems. However, its quality deteriorates over time due to various factors, leading to the presence of detrimental components like moisture, impurities, and acidic substances. These contaminants compromise the oil’s insulating properties and thermal stability, potentially causing transformer flashovers and even explosions. Transformer oil purifiers address this challenge by employing physical methods to maintain oil quality and ensure optimal transformer performance. This article delves into the core functionalities of transformer oil purifiers, explores the critical supporting equipment they often work alongside, and discusses key considerations for their effective implementation in power systems.

Transformer Oil Purification System

The Working Principles of Transformer Oil Purifiers

Transformer oil purifiers are specifically designed to combat these degradative processes and maintain optimal oil quality. They employ a combination of physical methods to remove contaminants like moisture, particulates, and acidic byproducts. Here’s a breakdown of the key purification principles:

  • Vacuum Dehydration: By creating a low-pressure environment within the purifier, the boiling point of water in the oil is significantly lowered. This allows for the efficient evaporation and removal of dissolved moisture.
  • Filtration: The oil is passed through a series of filters with varying pore sizes. These filters capture solid contaminants like dirt, metal particles, and degradation products, ensuring cleaner oil flows through the transformer.
  • Adsorption: Activated clay or other absorbent materials are often utilized within the purifier. These materials have a high affinity for attracting and holding onto acidic compounds that form within transformer oil during operation.

The Functions of Transformer Oil Purifiers

Through these purification processes, transformer oil purifiers offer a range of crucial benefits:

  • Moisture Removal: Water is a leading cause of electrical breakdowns in transformer oil. By effectively removing dissolved and free water, purifiers significantly reduce the risk of transformer failures.
  • Particulate Elimination: Solid contaminants can impede oil flow and reduce its insulating effectiveness. Purifiers ensure cleaner oil by removing these harmful particles.
  • Acid Neutralization: Acidic byproducts degrade transformer oil and can lead to corrosion of internal components. Purifiers effectively remove these acidic compounds, extending the lifespan of the transformer oil.
  • Enhanced Dielectric Breakdown Voltage (BDV): BDV is a measure of an oil’s ability to withstand electrical stress. Purified oil exhibits a higher BDV, ensuring better insulation and reducing the risk of electrical breakdowns.
  • Improved Oil Flow: By removing contaminants that impede oil circulation, purifiers promote smoother flow within the transformer, leading to better heat dissipation and efficient cooling.
ZJA Double Stage Transformer Oil Filtration Machine

Supporting Equipment for Transformer Oil Purifiers

Alongside transformer oil purifiers, various pieces of supporting equipment play crucial roles in optimizing the purification process and ensuring optimal oil quality, the following supporting equipment is often employed:

1. Vacuum Pumping Unit

The vacuum pumping unit is the heart of the vacuum dehydration process. It significantly reduces the pressure within the purifier’s chamber. This pressure reduction has a direct impact on the transformer oil’s boiling point, causing it to decrease. With a lower boiling point, moisture trapped within the oil readily evaporates, facilitating its removal from the oil.

There are various types of vacuum pumps available, each with distinct operational characteristics and suitability for specific applications. Here’s a closer look at two common types:

  • Rotary Vane Pumps: These pumps excel at delivering high pumping speeds, particularly at lower vacuum levels. They are a good choice for applications where rapid initial dehydration is desired.
  • Roots Blowers: When achieving higher vacuum levels is critical, roots blowers become the preferred option. They are particularly effective in the later stages of the dehydration process, where removing the most stubborn moisture molecules requires a more powerful vacuum environment.
Vacuum Pumping Unit

2. Dry Air Generator

In some instances, transformer oil may require an extra step to achieve exceptionally low moisture levels. This is where dry air generators come into play. These generators produce air that is virtually devoid of moisture. This dry air is then used in a purging process. During purging, the dry air is passed through the oil, further eliminating any residual moisture that might be present after the initial vacuum dehydration stage. This additional step is particularly beneficial when dealing with severely degraded oil or when aiming for the highest possible level of moisture removal.

Dry Air Generator

3. Transformer Oil BDV Tester

The transformer oil BDV tester is an essential instrument for evaluating the oil’s insulating capabilities. It measures the specific voltage level at which the oil loses its ability to insulate and electrical breakdown occurs. This critical measurement is known as the breakdown voltage (BDV). A high BDV indicates that the oil can withstand significant voltage stresses within the transformer without compromising its insulating properties. Transformer oil purifiers aim to significantly increase the oil’s BDV by removing contaminants that can weaken its insulating strength. By monitoring BDV values before and after purification, the effectiveness of the treatment can be directly assessed.

transformer oil bdv tester

4. Oil Analysis Equipment

To ensure optimal oil purification results, it’s crucial to analyze the oil’s properties both before and after the treatment process. This analysis is performed using dedicated oil analysis equipment. These instruments typically measure key parameters that provide valuable insights into the oil’s health, including:

  • Moisture Content: This measurement directly reflects the amount of water present in the oil. By comparing pre- and post-purification values, the effectiveness of moisture removal can be quantified.
  • Acid Value: This parameter indicates the presence of acidic degradation products within the oil. High acid values can negatively impact the oil’s insulating properties and contribute to further degradation. The oil analysis equipment helps assess the reduction in acid value achieved by the purification process.
  • Interfacial Tension: This property reflects the cohesive forces within the oil molecules. A healthy oil exhibits good interfacial tension, which is crucial for its lubricating and insulating functions. Analyzing this parameter helps determine if the purification process has restored the oil’s optimal interfacial tension.

By analyzing these key parameters, oil analysis equipment provides valuable data for evaluating the effectiveness of the transformer oil purification process.

5. Control System

Modern transformer oil purifiers often incorporate a sophisticated control system. This system automates the entire purification process, ensuring consistent and reliable operation. The control system precisely regulates factors like temperature, pressure, and flow rates to optimize the purification process for the specific oil being treated. Additionally, the control system can be integrated with other automated equipment or monitoring systems within the power grid. This allows for remote control and data acquisition of the purification process, enabling operators to monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

6. Waste Oil Handling Equipment

Following the purification process, a portion of the transformer oil might be deemed unsuitable for reuse within the transformer due to severe degradation. This “waste oil” necessitates proper handling and disposal to minimize environmental hazards. Specialized waste oil handling equipment comes into play at this stage.

  • Oil Filtration Systems for Waste Oil: In some instances, depending on the level of contamination, waste oil can undergo further treatment using dedicated filtration systems. These systems might employ filter elements with finer pore sizes to remove residual impurities that the main transformer oil purifier couldn’t handle. However, this approach may not always be feasible for heavily degraded oil.
  • Oil Dehydration Systems for Waste Oil: Similar to the dehydration process within the main purifier, dedicated dehydration systems can be used for waste oil. These systems might focus on removing large quantities of water present in heavily contaminated oil before final disposal.
  • Oil Recycling Facilities: Ideally, whenever possible, waste oil should be recycled through specialized facilities. These facilities employ advanced processing techniques to recover usable oil components, minimizing waste and promoting environmental sustainability.
Transformer Oil Purification System

Considerations for Effective Transformer Oil Purification

To maximize the effectiveness of transformer oil purification and ensure optimal transformer health, several key considerations come into play:

  • Selection of Transformer Oil Purifier: Choosing the appropriate purifier size and capacity is crucial. Factors like transformer oil volume, desired flow rate, and severity of contamination all influence this selection.
  • Pre-filtration: Before the main purification process, a pre-filtration stage can be beneficial, particularly for heavily contaminated oil. This pre-filtration step removes larger particles, protecting the main filtration elements and enhancing overall treatment efficiency.
  • Oil Sampling and Analysis: Regular oil sampling and analysis are essential practices. By monitoring oil quality trends, proactive maintenance strategies can be implemented, scheduling oil purification before oil degradation reaches critical levels.
  • Operational Procedures: Following established operational procedures for transformer oil purification is vital. These procedures outline safe handling practices, proper equipment setup, and optimal process parameters for effective oil treatment.
  • Environmental Regulations: Proper adherence to environmental regulations pertaining to waste oil disposal is critical. This ensures responsible management of waste oil and minimizes environmental impact.


Transformer oil purifiers serve as a cornerstone of preventative maintenance practices within power systems. By effectively removing contaminants and restoring the insulating properties of transformer oil, they play a vital role in ensuring the reliable and safe operation of transformers. Utilizing supporting equipment like vacuum pumping units, dry air generators, and transformer oil BDV testers further enhances the effectiveness of the purification process. Responsible handling of waste oil through filtration systems, dehydration systems, and collaboration with licensed waste disposal contractors is equally important for preserving environmental health. By implementing these strategies, power system operators can optimize transformer oil management, ensuring the longevity and reliability of their transformers.